Resources for Chapter 2: Who are the users?
Using personas for executive alignment, by Jeff Gothelf.
Getting from research to personas: harnessing the power of data, by Kim Goodwin.
Personas, by Usability.gov.
A Closer Look At Personas: What They Are And How They Work (Part 1), by Shlomo Goltz.
A Closer Look At Personas: A Guide To Developing The Right Ones (Part 2), By Shlomo Goltz.
7 Core Ideas About Personas And The User Experience, Jeff Sauro.
Creating Personas, by Eeva Ilama.
Personas Make Users Memorable for Product Team Members, by Aurora Bedford.
Interviewing Users, by Jakob Nielsen.
Interviewing Humans, by Erika Hall.
My Best Advice for Conducting User Interviews, by Whitney Hess.
How To Interview Your Users And Get Useful Feedback, by Ash Maurya.
Interviewing Users, by Steve Portigal.
The User Is Always Right: A Practical Guide to Creating and Using Personas for the Web, by Steve Mulder.
The Persona Lifecycle: Keeping People in Mind Throughout Product Design, by John Pruitt.
Introduction to interviewing users, a Treehouse course by Tomer Sharon.
slide decks
Interviewing Users: Uncovering Compelling Insights, by Steve Portigal.